Saturday, March 21, 2020

Good TIREs

It's the heart of The TIRE Principle: Trust, Integrity, Respect and Ethics.

Easy to say. Hard to do.

If TIRE is easy to understand, why is it so difficult to implement and sustain?

Because it's not easy. It's hard work.

TIRE must be genuinely practiced, unleashed, polished and exercised. It must become a habit of personal, leadership and management behaviors.

TIRE is an integrated, interconnected, continuous, unbroken behavioral process, requiring commitment, sacrifice, dedication, resolve, faith and energy.

TIRE is not a technique and is not intended for quick fixes. TIRE is about immediacy, day-to-day and the cyclical long term, enduring ups and downs.

TIRE is principle-based: fundamental principles not intended for quick fixes, but for the long haul. Nimble, adaptable, scalable. For endurance.

TIRE is all about fundamental analysis, tune-ups, repair and maintenance of habits, relationships, processes and organizational behaviors. 

Easy to say. Hard to do. But worth it.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Cocktail Napkin

It all started one day at a conference session on public speaking when the speaker said, "Your most important job is to make sure that your boss stays in power." I strongly disagreed and quickly sketched out the fundamentals of The TIRE Principle on a cocktail napkin. 


Do the right things.
For the right reasons.
In the right ways.
At the right times.
No matter what.

It's what our people need.
It's what everyone needs.

It's what we do.
It's who we are.

At work. 
At home.

Learn it.
Live it.
Be it.